PCG Academia has signed an agreement with the Jagiellonian University in Kraków to launch the Sciencecloud service, thanks to which the University will be able to effectively manage the preparation process for the evaluation of scientific activities planned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for 2022. The launch of the system at the university is planned within 30 days from the date of signing the contract.

Under the agreement, PCG Academia will deliver two modules that are Sciencecloud components: Records and Analytics. The Records module allows for the collection and processing of information on the academic achievements of university employees within all three evaluation criteria, in accordance with the latest guidelines of the Ministry. The Analytics module, based on data from the Records or other available data sources, enables monitoring and simulation of the filling of publication slots by scientists, taking into account the optimal selection of publications in the light of evaluation constraints and employees’ declarations included in the N number.

PCG Academia and the Jagiellonian University have been cooperating since 2019, when PCG launched the Jagiellonian University Repository (RUJ) at the university. RUJ is an open access database, and its task is to collect, disseminate and promote the University’s research and teaching achievements. As part of the commencing implementation, PCG Academia will integrate RUJ with the Analytics and Records module to ensure a smooth flow of scientific information at the university level.

Sciencecloud is the latest solution offered by PCG Academia. Three closely integrated modules: Analytics, Records and Repository enables to handle all the needs of universities related to the process of scientific information management and reporting. Sciencecloud is a cloud-based service in which PCG Academia is responsible for the timely adaptation of the system to dynamically changing legal regulations. Universities can launch the service on the basis of an annual subscription.