Ally allows for better individualization of the learning experience for students with special educational needs. The solution integrates with Moodle, Learn Ultra and Open LMS.
GET THE BROCHUREMaking strategic management decisions and handling reporting inside and outside the university based on the Power BI technology
Checkimproved communication between the university, instructors and students. Application delivered in a Software as a Service model.
Checksupporting students and graduates in connecting with the labor market opportunities and launching a successful professional career
Checkeffective management of education processes in compliance with the law and based on best practices in higher education management.
Checkflexible design of document workflows based on student data coming from any Student Information System available on the market.
Checkfrom electronic registration, through automatic calculation of points, generating ranking lists, and enrolling candidates into the programs.
Checkfrom the definition of the study plan, through filling the syllabus with content, to its acceptance and publication.
Checkcomplete environment for distant learning that supports communications, progress monitoring and individualized instruction.
Checkimproved accessibility and attractiveness of the educational content shared through e-learning platforms, including Moodle.
You are hereGreater accessibility and attractiveness of learning materials published on university’s websites.
Checkorganizing, monitoring and assessing digital exams through a secure, web-based application.
CheckSecuring the remote examination process
CheckPanopto is a platform for creating, managing and sharing video content.