Jagiellonian University has signed an agreement with PCG Academia to implement the latest version of the DSpace 7 scientific repository and integrate it with the university’s IT systems, including Sciencecloud, USOS, and SAP. Jagiellonian University is the fourth Polish university besides the University of Warsaw, SWPS University and the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow to migrate to DSpace 7 in cooperation with PCG Academia.

PCG Academia and Jagiellonian University have been collaborating closely since 2019, when the university entrusted PCG Academia with the care of the Jagiellonian University Repository (RUJ). Since the beginning of our cooperation, we completed a comprehensive inventory of the functionalities and integrations present in the repository, upgraded the repository to a newer version, and integrated it with the university’s IT systems.

The next step in the cooperation between PCG and the Jagiellonian University was the launch of the Sciencecloud system, which became a central hub integrating all data on scientific achievements collected at the University (including those from the Jagiellonian University Repository) and reporting them to the ministerial systems operated by National Information Processing Institute, such as PBN – Polish Scholarly Bibliography. It was Sciencecloud that enabled the University to efficiently submit data to the Ministry of Education and Science as a part of the evaluation of the quality of scientific activities completed in 2022. Since then, the system has been widely used by the university’s research and administrative staff.

The implementation of DSpace 7, which begins at Jagiellonian University, will probably be the largest project of its kind in Poland. PCG Academia will transfer more than 250,000 publications produced by Jagiellonian University employees. The repository will receive a completely new user interface, in line with the latest trends in the design of such services, fully accessible to the needs of people with disabilities, responsive and mobile devices friendly. In addition, the repository will be integrated with the Sciencecloud system, so that publications deposited in the repository will be automatically transferred to the National Information Processing Institute’s systems.

The organizational unit coordinating the implementation of DSpace 7 on the University’s side, and at the same time unit responsible for the management of scientific information at the Jagiellonian University, is the Jagiellonian Library of the Jagiellonian University.

Are you thinking about implementing DSpace 7? Get in touch with us!

DSpace is the most popular scientific repository in the world, created by the international academic consortium LYRASIS. DSpace is used by more than 3,000 institutions, including universities at the top of the Times Higher Education rankings, such as Harvard, Cornell, and Humboldt University. The latest, 7th version of DSpace was released in the spring of 2021 and has since attracted tremendous interest from universities and research institutes around the world.

PCG Academia is the only certified GOLD Partner of the LYRASIS consortium in Poland, and thus is competent in the implementation, development and maintenance of DSpace-based repositories. PCG developers contribute code to a centrally managed version of the DSpace repository and have a number of proprietary solutions to their credit, like the Polish language version, adjustments for the  WCAG 2.1 standard and a number of other functionalities.

PCG Academia offers the following services related to the launch and use of DSpace:

  • Installation and configuration of the software in any environment specified by the university (on-premises, private cloud, public cloud), or
  • Upgrading the existing repository instance with the transfer of data, functionalities and integrations done individually for the university;
  • Design and development of the user interface, aligned with the university’s graphic identity and the brand book;
  • Integration of DSpace with other systems found at the university, including ERP, OJS/OMP/OCS, and user authentication systems, e.g. CAS, LDAP, Active Directory, or Azure AD;
  • Design and implementation of new functionalities on individual order according to university’s requirements;
  • Backup and archiving of data stored within the repository, also using distributed cloud technology;
  • A unique offer of continuous update support guaranteeing that you always have the latest, bug-free and most functional version of DSpace;
  • Maintenance and development, including the agreed package of hours and response times for requests recorded in the JIRA system.

PCG Academia provides a free quote for projects to implement or update a scientific repository based on DSpace 7. You are welcome to contact us at +48 17 777 37 00 or by email: info@pcgacademia.pl.