Sciencecloud, the IT ecosystem for science management created by PCG Academia, is becoming an essential tool in the process of preparing for scientific evaluation at an increasing number of universities.

The newest addition to the family of Sciencecloud users is Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, which signed an agreement with PCG Academia in September this year.

Under the agreement, two Sciencecloud modules will be implemented and launched at the university in the SaaS model: Records and Analytics. The implemented platform will facilitate the collection and processing of information about the scientific and artistic achievements of university staff, and will also enable monitoring and simulation of filling of the publication slots.

Thanks to Sciencecloud, employees of Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport will be able to prognose evaluation outcomes and optimize selection of achievements for the best possible evaluation results.

The launch of Sciencecloud at the university will only take five weeks and the system will go live in October. Such a quick start is possible because Sciencecloud is a cloud service. The Software as a Service model also allows PCG Academia to constantly update the system to reflect dynamically changing legal requirements without involving the university.

Sciencecloud is modern IT ecosystem for scientific information management. Four closely integrated modules – Analytics, Records, Employee Assessment, and Repository – allow to comprehensively handle the needs of universities related to the process of scientific information management, its reporting and dissemination

Sciencecloud is used by a wide range of institutions subjected to scientific evaluation, such as leading research universities, top non-public schools, art academies and research institutes.