Another university took action with a view to upgrading and optimizing the university management processes and supporting them with cutting-edge technological solutions.

The PCG Academia-eOPTeam consortium will conduct a project for the WSPIA University of Rzeszow entitled Education e-services platform. Within its framework, the companies will create and implement a modern education e-services platform to improve the quality of services for studies, students and university staff.

The WSPIA education e-services platform will comprise as many as twelve various services platforms which will streamline the education process management and increase its efficiency.

PCG Academia and OPTeam will equip WSPIA, among others, in e-enrolment and e-contact platforms, e-notice board, e-lectures, e-attendance lists, e-electronic document transfer repository and Interactive Research System. Separate electronic platforms for the Law, Entrepreneurship, Administration and Security clinics operating at WPIA will also be created. The platforms will be user-friendly tools and a great assistance to the WSPIA students and staff.

WPIA received a grant for the implementation of the Education e-services platform project from the Regional Operational Programme for the Subcarpathia province for the years 2014-2020. The project on the education e-services platform received the highest number of points from all applications submitted by private universities from the Subcarpathia region.

The agreement on the creation of the platform was signed by Professor Jerzy Posłuszny, Rector of WSPiA University of Rzeszów, and Msc Eng Bartosz Borejko, Regional Director of PCG Academia, Attorney of the Consortium.