Kozminski University joins the group of over a dozen universities in Poland which have decided to use the mobile application designed jointly by PCG Academia and ESCOLA S.A. – one of the leaders on the mobile technology market in Poland.

The main advantage of the solution acquired by Kozminski University is a business model, in which PCG Academia created and delivers a mobile application to universities in Poland. What we mean is a community model, where the mobile application is the sum of needs diagnosed by a group of universities of different profiles – from business schools, such as Kozminski, to medical, military or technical universities. This approach to application development allowed for a significant reduction in service costs compared to the traditional, dedicated application delivery model (one-to-one).

Another factor determining the cost-effectiveness of the solution offered by PCG was the use of cross-platform technology, thanks to which a single version of the code is maintained, supporting the two dominant operating systems for mobile devices on the market – iOS (Apple) and Android (Google). Universities using the PCG Academia mobile application pay a fixed, low subscription fee, that covers also ongoing software updates by PCG. The updates take into account both the changes necessitated by the publication of new versions of mobile operating systems and new needs reported by universities participating in the project.

Functionally, the application is consistent with internationally used standards and good practices applied in the higher education market. From the student’s side, it enables, among others, checking the timetable, grades, payments, as well as finding and contacting the lecturers. From the teaching staff’s perspective, it enables communicating with individuals or groups, and completing formalities such as the evaluation report. From the perspective of the university administration, the key feature is the ability to send push notifications, delivered on the basis of business “events” in the system, e.g. changes in the timetable or adding a grade. The standardized data model embedded in the PCG mobile application enables its connection to any student information system equipped with an API integration interface (including USOS).

The launch of the mobile application at Kozminski University will be completed within a few weeks, thanks to a standardized software delivery model.

ESCOLA S.A., the technological partner of the project, is one of the fastest developing companies specializing in mobile technologies. The President of ESCOLA S.A. – Krzysztof Wojewodzic, PhD – has been involved in the education market in Poland for many years.