We cordially invite representatives of universities to participate in the online conference entitled E-learning Academy, which goal is to discuss the future of distance learning. The conference organized by the Cracow University of Technology will be held on May 18, 2021.

The program of the E-learning Academy focuses on the current challenges related to e-learning and the improvement of distance learning, both in terms of modern ICT solutions and teaching methodology. In the conference program, organizers planned, among others, a debate dedicated to the exchange of experiences of university units dealing with distance teaching and discussing the strategy for the future. The conference also includes numerous workshops, case studies presenting good practices from Polish universities and meetings with technology companies.

At the conference you will also have a chance to meet representatives of PCG Academia. Our experts – Magda Sochacka and Anna Warda-Ritzen – will give two presentations on tools supporting distance learning:

  • Intelliboard and Blackboard Ally – tools for data analysis and content accessibility integrated with Moodle
  • Securing remote exams in Inspera

In the first presentation, the experts will show the two tools: Intelliboard application, which, based on data from Moodle, provides reports on the activity and progress of students in online classes, and the Blackboard Ally program that increases the level of accessibility of remote classes by automatically converting teaching materials into alternative formats (Braille, audio, e-book).

The second presentation will focus on the Inspera system, which allows universities to safely conduct electronic exams (stationary and remote) using video monitoring of students and elements of artificial intelligence. Each of the presented solutions can work with the Moodle system.

We encourage you to participate in the E-learning Academy, which will be a valuable source of practical knowledge about the remote teaching. The conference agenda and registration can be found at https://www.akademia-elearningu.pl. Participation in the conference is payable.

PCG Academia Experts

Magda Sochacka

For 8 years involved in the business consulting and technology in education industries. At PCG Academia, she manages the implementation of solutions from international partners, including e-learning and electronic examination platforms, to the Polish higher education sector. She gained professional experience on projects in Poland and the United States. A graduate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the CEMS Master in International Management program.

Anna Warda-Ritzen

Anna Warda-Ritzen works at PCG Academia as an Online Learning Consultant. She specializes in remote learning and electronic examination solutions provided by Blackboard, Open LMS and Inspera. Working in various sectors in Poland and the Netherlands, she gained extensive knowledge of business analysis in IT and the process of implementing IT solutions. However, she has discovered her passion in the field of IT in education, and therefore constantly deepens her knowledge of technologies used in online education and loves to share it.