Using DSpace 7 to increase international recognition of universities' research

  • Using DSpace 7 to increase international recognition of universities' research
    • Date: February 28th, 2023
    • Time: 2 pm Central Africa Time (Cairo), 4 pm Gulf Time (UAE)
    • Leszek Lewoc
      Leszek Lewoc
    • Piotr Masalski
    • Ahmed El-Sobky
      Ahmed El-Sobky
    • Leszek Lewoc
      Leszek Lewoc
    • Piotr Masalski
    • Ahmed El-Sobky
      Ahmed El-Sobky
    • Leszek Lewoc
      Leszek Lewoc
    This is a past event

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    About the Event

    DSpace is the most popular digital repository in the world, used by numerous institutions globally, including Princeton, Cambridge and Humboldt University. Most commonly, DSpace is used as an open access and research management tool by academic libraries and other higher education institutions.

    With over 30% of the global market share and nearly 3,000 active users, DSpace is by far the most widely used institutional repository in the world. DSpace is free, easy to install “out of the box”, and completely customizable to fit the needs of your Organization.

    The software was designed in 2002 by MIT and Hewlett-Packard. It is now developed and maintained by an international community of companies and experts, and that community is coordinated by LYRASIS, a non-profit organization.

    PCG Academia partners with several global Higher Ed organizations, like Times Higher Education, Blackboard (that is now part of Anthology), Inspera and also Lyrasis. As a Gold Service Provider registered with LYRASIS, PCG Academia delivers various services around DSpace, including migrations, integrations, and customizations.

    During the Webinar, together with Acacia Integration – our partner for the Middle East region, we will present how your institution can benefit from using DSpace to:

    • manage information on research infrastructure, activities, and outcomes
    • maintain a structured collection of documents with reach metadata that allows anyone in the world to recognise the scientific output of your institution
    • support internal procedures for managing creation of scientific papers and other similar entities
    • integrate with international standards on scientific publications (ORCID, Web of Science, etc.)
    • provide customised, multilanguage interface
    Using DSpace 7 to increase international recognition of universities' research


    • Ahmed El-Sobky
      Ahmed El-Sobky

      Ahmed El-Sobky is a managing director of Acacia Integration and board member for Chamber of Industry for Information and Communication Technology and Faculty of Computer Science of Fayoum University. He served in numerous governmental, international, and commercial bodies in Egypt, Middle East and Afrtica. Ahmed presented on numerous conferences on topics ranging from e-learning to cyber security.

    • Leszek Lewoc
      Leszek Lewoc

      Leszek Lewoc has a 30 years experience in EdTech. He is currently helping PCG Academia as a international business advisor. In his previous role in PCG Academia he established PCG Academia business in the Pacific Region where Uni10 SIS system and bespoke solutions are used by several universities and two governmetal organizations. Leszek holds Master degress in Maths from the University of Wrocław and in IT from the University of Kent in Canterbury. His areas of interest contain documents’ and processes’ automation based on metadata.

    • Piotr Masalski

      Piotr Masalski is a long-time collaborator of PCG and an expert in designing state-of-the-art IT systems for the Higher Education sector. He completed a number of projects focused on creation and modernization of tools that support management of key processes in Higher Education. As an owner of an independent software house, with specialists qualified in optimization of processes and user experience, he always strives to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions. Piotr is a graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and has also completed postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics and Kozminski University.
