DSpace 7 and DSpace 7 CRIS: how to bring your institutional repository to the next level?

    • Date: Jun 28th, 2022
    • Time: 1-2:30 pm CEST
    • Piotr Masalski
    • Łukasz Danak
    • Magda Sochacka
    • Piotr Masalski
    • Łukasz Danak
    • Magda Sochacka
    • Piotr Masalski
    This is a past event

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    About the Event

    DSpace is the most popular digital repository in the world, used by over 3,000 institutions globally, including Princeton, Cambridge and Humboldt University. The new version, long awaited DSpace 7, offers unprecedented capabilities that can help bring your repository to the next level. Thanks to Angular technology, it is now highly customizable and can be better adjusted to specific needs of your institution. High integration capabilities based on REST APIs allow to better integrate Dspace 7 repository with your IT ecosystem, and stay true to once-only data input philosophy.

    PCG Academia is a certified partner of LYRASIS, a non-profit organization that is the supplier of DSpace’s open source technology.

    On the webinar we will talk about:

    • Capabilities of DSpace 7 and how they can enhance the management of publications and research activity at a university.
    • DSpace 7 CRIS and value-add from extending an institutional repository to fully functional CRIS.
    • Case study of Jagiellonian University (top 1 in Poland), whom we helped migrate to DSpace 7 and integrate the repository with the university’s IT ecosystem.

    Finally, we will show a demo of repository based on DSpace 7 with custom developments from PCG Academia, including highly customizable home page with dashboard charts and scientific disciplines approach, configurable responsive search engine and outstanding scientists’ profiles.

    Why Attend

    • Find out more about the new capabilities of DSpace 7
    • Explore how your organization can benefit from migration to the newest version
    • Discover the possibilities of DSpace 7 integration with other systems
    • Understand better the benefits of extending your institutional repository to DSpace 7 CRIS
    • Hear about our experience with migrating the repository of a leading university in Poland to DSpace 7
    • Watch a demo of CRIS based on DSpace 7


    • Magda Sochacka
    • Piotr Masalski

      Piotr Masalski is a long-time collaborator of PCG and an expert in designing state-of-the-art IT systems for the Higher Education sector. He completed a number of projects focused on creation and modernization of tools that support management of key processes in Higher Education. An owner of an independent software house, with specialists qualified in optimization of processes and user experience, he always strives to think outside the box and propose innovative solutions. Piotr is a graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and has also completed postgraduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics and Kozminski University.

    • Łukasz Danak

      Łukasz Danak is a Consultant at PCG Academia. He has a multiyear experience of working in an international environment as a customer service representative. At PCG Academia, he develops and maintains relationships with international customers and advises on DSpace institutional repository software. Łukasz is a graduate of English Philology at the University of Rzeszów.
