The organisation behind the most influential university rankings in the World – Times Higher Education (THE), becomes the strategic partner of the LUMEN conference, organized by PCG Academia since 2015.

Times Higher Education has over five decades of experience as a source of analysis and insight on higher education. The THE World University Rankings provide the assessment of over 1,500 institutions worldwide, using 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators in the areas of Teaching, Research, Citations, International outlook, and Industry income. The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings measure global universities’ success in delivering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The results of this year’s edition of the ranking will be announced on April 21st at THE’s Innovation & Impact Summit.

THE’s Rankings have been adopted as a crucial factor in the study choices made by millions of students around the world and are seen as the ‘gold standard’ among university leaders and governments who look to THE’s rankings for global benchmarking and informing collaborations and strategy.

The goal of the partnership between PCG Academia and Times Higher Education is to share insights and data from THE’s rankings to further support the international competitiveness, development and growth of universities in Poland. As part of the collaboration, PCG and THE will host a joint webinar on May 19th, to discuss the results and methodology of THE’s Impact Rankings. In the fall, on 23rd and 24th of November, PCG and THE in collaboration with the Polish Rectors’ Foundation, will organize the 7th edition of LUMEN Conference.

“Internationalization is the most natural pathway for the Polish universities to grow. We hope that thanks to the intensified presence of Times Higher Education in Poland, our universities will gain easier access to the management best practices of the elite of higher education institutions worldwide” – said professor Łukasz Sułkowski, President of PCG Polska.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to work with PCG Academia as the strategic partner to the LUMEN conference to better support Polish universities across their missions. In addition to producing the world’s most influential university rankings, THE is also a leading data company, offering insights and in-house expertise that can support Polish universities in the international arena” – said Michael Lubacz, Director of Business Development at THE.

More information about THE:

The person responsible for contact with Polish universities on behalf of THE:

Nicolas Cletz, Regional director THE (Times Higher Education)
M: +44 (0)203 963 4614