Welcome Letter Of Professor Łukasz Sułkowski, President Of The Management Board Of PCG Academia

Welcome letter of Professor Łukasz Sułkowski, President of the Management Board of PCG Academia

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to kindly inform that as of May 14th, 2018, by the decision of the Public Consulting Group Inc. shareholders, I have the honor to take up my duties as President of the Management Board of PCG Academia.

This decision is dictated by the dynamic development of the company in Poland and abroad as well as by the need to undertake close, substantive cooperation with universities in the area of currently changing legal regulations.

At the same time, I would like to inform that former President of PCG Academia Leszek Lewoc as of May 14th, 2018 shall hold office of Director for International Development. Leszek Lewoc will focus his activities on further increasing PCG Academia’s share in foreign markets.

My mission as a President of PCG Academia will be to comprehensively prepare our company for the role of a trusted partner and advisor to the universities in the field of data analysis and data management in a new formal and legal context. For this purpose, I will personally supervise the work of the team responsible at PCG for adapting our products and services to the regulations of Act 2.0.

Moreover, my ambition is to continue and expand PCG Academia’s cooperation with the community of university managers on the basis of projects implemented jointly with Polish Rectors Foundation (FRP) and Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP).

The most important initiatives in this area include the “University of the Future” Conference (September 2018), “Leaders of University Management LUMEN” Conference (November 2018), and nationwide research of software and IT infrastructure in Polish universities.

In order to get familiarized with projects run by PCG Academia – Academy of Innovation for UniversitiesLUMEN, and mStudia – I invite you to visit the indicated websites or to contact the Project Office at phone numbers +48 17 777 37 77 and +48 22 53 53 712 or e-mail address: info@pcgacademia.pl.

In my capacity as a President of the Management Board of PCG Academia I hope to undertake close and successful cooperation with your university. I remain at your disposal for further dialogue in order to explore the possibilities of working with you and for meeting you at your convenience – please contact the PCG’s Secretariat available at the phone number: (17) (17) 777 37 00.


Yours respectfully,

Professor Łukasz Sułkowski

President of the Management Board of PCG Academia