On behalf of our partner, Times Higher Education, we are pleased to invite you to the one-of-a-kind conference THE Innovation & Impact Summit 2022. On April 26-28th, leaders of the world’s best and most ambitious universities, policymakers, world-class researchers and representatives of key companies will gather in Stockholm to discuss the role of higher education in developing a successful sustainable innovation ecosystem.

The conference will address topics of particular importance for building innovation and sustainable development, including how can universities help create a national innovation culture, what can universities teach entrepreneurs, in which areas can universities contribute the most, how can universities effectively identify and retain talented innovators, and how universities can be drivers of responsible innovation.

THE Innovation & Impact Summit 2022 will also feature a prestigious gala to officially announce the results of the latest THE Impact Rankings 2022 – the only international ranking of universities based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the largest ever global data-set showing the impact of universities on the society and the economy.

After the ranking premiere, the conference participants will have a unique opportunity to participate in a masterclass, during which they will obtain full ranking data, engage in a discussion with the ranking creators and identify the best-performing universities.

Conference speakers will include prominent experts in higher education and data analytics:

  • representatives of THE: Phil Baty, Chief knowledge officer and Duncan Ross, Chief data officer;
  • presidents, chancellors, vice-chancellors and managers from universities, including but not limited to: Prof. Sigbritt Karlsson – President of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Prof. Wei Shyy – President of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Robert-Jan Smits – President of Eindhoven University of Technology;
  • representatives of Google and Elsevier.

The special guest of the event will be Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor of Stockholm. During her leadership, Stockholm was awarded for its Smart City Strategy and is subsequently named “smartest city in the world”.

It seems fitting that THE Innovation & Impact Summit 2022 will take place in Stockholm, at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, on April 26-28, 2022.

All information about the event can be found on: https://www.timeshighered-events.com/innovation-impact-summit-2022

The registration for the conference requires a fee. Promotional early bird fees will last until March 11th. There is also a discount available for groups of more than three delegates.