At PCG Academia, we are constantly thinking about how to improve our portfolio of IT products and services for the higher education. For years, a proven source of inspiration for our further development are national and international conferences and trade shows. During these events we discover innovative IT solutions that we later deliver to Polish universities as part of our product partnerships.

In the first two quarters of 2022, after a long hiatus due to the pandemic, we have planned our participation in a number of events organized in Europe and North America. Below is our top 5 of the most valuable conferences that we will attend and that we can recommend to representatives of Polish universities.

Thanks to our partnerships, PCG Academia has discounts for selected educational trade shows and conferences. Please see the schedule below and feel free to contact us if you would like to attend any of these events together. We are available at phone number: 722 110 522 or at email:

TOP 5 Conferences PCG Academia will attend:

  • 23-25 March 2022 – Bett Show is one of the world’s largest education fairs, held annually at the ExCel Convention Centre on the outskirts of London. At least 20 thousand participants from 50 countries will come to see modern IT solutions offered by over 500 exhibitors. The Bett Show will showcase both software and hardware solutions, as well as infrastructure, designed for schools of all levels – from primary and secondary schools to universities. One of the PCG Academia partners – Inspera company offering a offering a platform for digital assessment – will have its representatives available to talk to on stand ND70. PCG at the Bett Show will be represented by Mateusz Adamiak (Chief Operating Officer). Information and registration available here.
  • 26-28 April 2022 – THE Impact Summit  is an event dedicated to the topic of sustainable development and the role that universities have to play in this process. The conference is organized by the British Times Higher Education, which since 2020 has been closely cooperating with PCG Academia in the area of popularization of the THE international rankings on the Polish education market. The culminating point of the conference held in Stockholm will be the announcement of the results of the fourth edition of THE Impact Rankings – the only ranking of universities based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Last year 1,118 universities from 94 countries were classified in the ranking, including 23 universities from Poland. PCG at THE Impact Summit will be represented by prof. Łukasz Sułkowski (CEO of PCG in Poland) and Leszek Lewoc (VP for International). Information and registration available here.
  • 12-14 May 2022 – The International Conference on CRIS is an event organized regularly by EuroCRIS, a non-profit organization for professionals involved in scientific data management. The 15th jubilee edition of the conference will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The theme of the event will be a broad application and use of CRIS (Current Research Information Systems) in the higher education. Currently there is a Call for Proposals, in which PCG Academia together with the Jagiellonian Library is applying to present a case study related to the implementation of DSpace 7 system at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. At the conference PCG will be represented by Leszek Lewoc (VP for International) and Piotr Masalski (Business Line Director). Information and registration available here.
  • 18 May 2022 – ScienceCon 2022 is a conference organized jointly by PCG Academia, Times Higher Education and Elsevier. The main objective of the event will be to summarize the recently completed evaluation of the scientific activities of universities and to further discuss the development of this process in Poland. The culminating point of the conference will be the award ceremony for universities ranked in this year’s THE Impact Ranking – a ranking based on the Sustainable Development Goals, created by Times Higher Education. The organizers intend the ScienceCon conference will become a regular event. The first edition will be held in the Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. PCG Academia will be widely represented by the Management Board and the team responsible for the development of the Sciencecloud family of solutions. Registration will be soon available.
  • 11-14 July 2022 – Anthology Together is an event organized by one of the leaders in the US EdTech market, Anthology, which this year is merging with another US giant, Blackboard. During the international conference, scheduled for July 11-14 in Orlando, Blackboard and Anthology will talk about their shared vision of working with the education sector and present their new integrated product portfolio. The conference is open to all interested universities from Poland. PCG Academia will be represented at Anthology Together by Magda Sochacka (Business Line Director). Information and registration available here.