Professor of physical sciences. After graduating from the Jagiellonian University (1984), he studied at the ETH Zurich, where he received PhD degree in 1990. He is permanently affiliated with the Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics at Jagiellonian University. He worked periodically at ETH, Research Center in Juelich, Germany and KVI Groningen, The Netherlands, and many more. From 2012 to 2020 he was the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Structural Funds, and currently serves as the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation within Una Europa. On a national level, his most important current role is as Vice-Chairman of the Main Council of Science and Higher Education. His research interests include studies of interaction dynamics in few-nucleon systems in precise experiments using polarized beams and targets, testing of fundamental symmetries of elementary interactions, applications of nuclear physics methods and techniques in various fields of research (archaeology, medicine, biology, geology). Co-author of more than 210 papers in scientific journals from the so called “Philadelphia list” cited almost 3000 times, co-author of more than 220 announcements in conference proceedings and more than 280 contributions in annual reports of various institutions. Co-author of 23 national and international research projects. He was a member of many committees and expert groups, including the Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific Units of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Specialized Group for the Evaluation of Scientific Journals of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. He has served as Treasurer on the Board of The Guild University Network and currently holds an analogous position on the Board of Una Europa. He was the Chairman and is currently the Honorary Chairman of the University’s Science Committee. He is a member of the Polish Physical Society (since 2017 a member of the Presidium of the Board of Directors), the European Physical Society and the Physics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Chairman of the section on international cooperation), as well as scientific councils of many Polish research institutions. Until 2022 he was Chairman of the coordination team of the strategic program Initiative of Excellence at the Jagiellonian University.