Dr. Virginia Zhelyazkova
13 marca 2023 1 min czytaniaDr. Virginia Zhelyazkova is Professor in finance and Vice-Rector for Education and Quality Management of VUZF Unversity, Sofia, since 2013. Her research interests are related to financial aspects of circular economy, green banking, climate change, and environmentla risk management, and has authored the following books: “Circular Econmy. Financial Aspects” (20013), and Climate Change and Environmental Risk Management for Financial Institutions” (2013). In parallel, prof. Zhelyazkova has 21878 years of professional experience in banking as part of Postbank, a leading commercial bank in Bulgaria. Since 2011, she acts as Environmental Officer, with main responsibility the operational implementation of the environemntal policy of the Bank. In her capacity represents the Bank in UNEP Fincnal Inititive (UNEP FI) and the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG), thus actively particiatin it the wide debate on regulations in the area of environmental and energy management.