The coronavirus epidemic has drastically changed the way universities operate in every field: in their teaching and research activities, as well as in the area of administration and management. The authorities of universities are faced with the necessity to implement key processes in unprecedented conditions.

In this difficult period, we should support each other, which is why the Polish Rectors Foundation and PCG Academia are launching a new Program “Universities in times of epidemic: new conditions and good practices”.

Under the Program we will organize free webinars at which university representatives will be able to exchange experiences and good practices, formulate common positions on the regulations governing the activities of the university and the aspirations and concerns of members of the academic community, as well as meet invited experts and discuss the interpretation of regulations on matters currently raising doubts of universities.

Our goal is that, thanks to webinars, university authorities will receive support in making decisions of strategic importance for the efficient functioning of universities in a completely new reality.

The joint program of Polish Rectors Foundation and PCG Academia will include six webinars, which will take place every week from April 30th to June 4th, 2020. Each seminar will last about 60-90 minutes and will be dedicated to current issues and the most important processes at universities in the time of the epidemiological crisis.

Thematic scope of the webinars will include didactics (online education, student examinations), enrollment of candidates for studies, evaluation of scientific activities, international cooperation, university finances and digitization of administration.


You can sign up for all webinars now! Join us on the program website:


You don’t have to remember to register every week – you can immediately sign up for all the meetings that interest you.

Planned webinars:

  1. April 30th: University finances – liquidity prevention strategies (this webinar has already taken place)
  2. May 7th: Remote, synchronous or asynchronous learning from the audience’s perspective (this webinar has already taken place)
  3. May 14th: Enrollment for studies due to postponed deadlines (this webinar has already taken place)
  4. May 21st: Extension of scientific evaluation – new regulations and conditions for university operation (this webinar has already taken place)
  5. May 28th: International cooperation – possibilities for emote operation (this webinar has already taken place)
  1. June 4th: Digitization of universities e-administration


More information about the Program and individual events at

The series of webinars “Universities in the times of epidemic: new conditions and good practices” by Polish Rectors Foundation and PCG Academia is organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, President of Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and the “Forum Akademickie” magazine.