We cordially invite you to participate in the new, free online training #AcademiaEducloud – Start your day with PCG Dean’s Office, which will take place on January 29, 2020.

The training will focus on the PCG Dean’s Office student information system. It is a flagship product of the ecosystem of modern IT solutions Educloud for universities, distinguished by a new responsive web interface for students and educators.

On the training we will talk about workflow management of student dissertations at the university using PCG Dean’s Office. As part of the training, which will be conducted by one of our experts, you will be able to check how the PCG Dean’s Office system works in practice.

Using the examples of particular actions in the system, we will present how to complete and modify the data in the diploma thesis by the student (e.g. the supervisor’s data), what options are available for the thesis supervisor and for its reviewers, and what to do to receive notifications at each stage of the work status. The anti-plagiarism system will also be addressed.

The training will start at 10am and will last about an hour. Participation is free of charge. The training will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate platform – all you need to use it is a web browser.

To participate in the training, just open the following link in the browser on a given day: https://link.do/vE0nb, enter your name and surname, and click “Join the session”. We encourage you to follow the event on our fanpage on Facebook.

The recording of the session along with the materials prepared for participants will be made available to all interested parties for independent use through the Blackboard Learn platform.

To gain access to the PCG Academia’s users education platform, please send your name, surname, e-mail address and university name to info@pcgacademia.pl.

If you have any questions or want to report the need for other training, please contact us by e-mail at info@pcgacademia.pl.