Impact Rankings, created by Times Higher Education, is the only international ranking that assesses universities against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The ranking aims to promote universities trying to solve the key challenges of the present day and making the greatest contribution to building a sustainable society.

So far, three editions of the ranking were released – the latest one was published in April this year, which we wrote about here. With every passing year, the ranking is becoming more and more popular among universities, also in Poland. In the first edition of Impact Rankings there was only one Polish university, in the next five, and in the last one there were already 12 of them.

We encourage all universities to take an interest in THE Impact Rankings 2022, the importance of which is continuously growing. The submission of the data necessary for the evaluation and ranking creation started on September 21 and will last until November 12, 2021.

The role of universities in overcoming the greatest challenges of our time will also be the subject of a keynote speech at the LUMEN 2021 Conference, November 23-24. Phil Baty, Chief Knowledge Officer at Times Higher Education, will talk about the future of the university in the post-covid era. Find more information about the conference at

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