During an annual ATEM Admission conference, that this year took place in Sydney, PNG online selection and admission solution was presented by Steven Matainaho and Leszek Lewoc. Mr Matainaho, who had been promoted to the position of Acting Secretary of PNG Department of Communication, Information Technology and Energy was able to attend the presentation remotely while PCG VP for International Development was present at the spot.

In the presentation, the authors not only presented the success story of PNG Online Selection and Admission Systems but also proposed some quantitive and qualitative measures for admission process evaluation.

The conference was also an opportunity for PCG Academia to compare Polish and New Guinean Experiences with Australia practice. The country is one of the world leaders in Higher Education with 10% of the top 50 universities in 2020 QS World University Ranking.

Leszek Lewoc with Paul Abela. Discussion after the presentation


Leszek Lewoc met with Paul Abela – Executive Director of ATEM. The organisation with now more than 40 years of history and almost 2000 members works to advance the professionalism of tertiary education administration and management. The organisation has a chapter in Papua New Guinea with some of PCG customers being active members.

Keynote speech by Professor Geoffrey Crisp