We can’t believe that 6th LUMEN Leaders in University Management 2020 Conference is already over. Time really flied fast during those two amazing and very intense days full of meetings with Polish and foreign experts.

For the first time, the LUMEN Conference was organized in a hybrid model: the proceedings were broadcasted online from a TV studio, and participants could partake in the discussion remotely. The new formula of the event turned out to be a huge success – over 1000 participants took part in the Conference! Thank you very much for being with us.

During the LUMEN 2020 Conference held on November 24-25, 2020, ten substantive panels took place in which participated 45 experts from Poland and abroad. Like in every edition, the debates concerned the current situation of universities in Poland and in the world. We discussed the most important trends and changes in the law, we talked with new rectors about their plans for the upcoming years, we exchanged knowledge about management and technological innovations, and we discussed how to safely manage research and teaching in the time of the coronavirus pandemic.

The LUMEN Conference could not have happened without the support of our Partners. We would like to express our gratitude to the Polish Rectors Foundation – a long-term Substantive Partner of the LUMEN Conference. We also express our appreciation to: Blackboard, Inspera, PCG Polska, PCG Edukacja, Librus and Wolters Kluwer for fruitful and professional cooperation.

We would also like to convey our particular thanks for taking patronage over the LUMEN Conference for the Minister of Education and Science, the Chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, the Main Council of Science and Higher Education, the Polish Accreditation Committee, the National Information Processing Institute – National Research Institute and the “Forum Akademickie” magazine. We are grateful that our initiative carries your continued trust and esteem.

Finally, last but not least, our special thanks goes to the people without whom the success of the LUMEN Conference would have been impossible – our exceptional Panelists. It was only thanks to the involvement of our Speakers that we managed to create such a unique and the largest platform for the exchange of experiences for the entire academic community in Poland, which the LUMEN Conference has become. Collaboration with a group of such outstanding experts and practitioners of university management is a real pleasure for us.

Full recordings from discussion panels will be published on the PCG Academia YouTube channel and on our blog: https://www.pcgacademia.pl/blog (in Polish). Meanwhile, we cordially invite you to the next edition of LUMEN. See you next year!