The coronavirus pandemic has caused huge changes in every area of university functioning. Teaching underwent the most visible metamorphosis, as it almost completely moved to the model of distance learning. This situation will continue for a long time – according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, classes and examinations at Polish universities will be carried out remotely until at least the end of the current academic year.

This means that during this year’s examination session, universities will face a real challenge of conducting thousands of exams in a form that does not endanger the health of students and teachers. But how to ensure the safety and reliability of online exams?

To meet this challenge, PCG Academia and Inspera offer Polish universities a pilot access on preferential price conditions to the INSPERA electronic student examination platform for a period of six months.

INSPERA is an application that enables safe, electronic examination of students, including completely remote examination. INSPERA is a web application, which means that it does not require installation, and only a web browser is needed to use it.

The application was developed in cooperation with the University of Oslo, one of the best Scandinavian universities, and has been implemented in 70 universities all over Europe.

The INSPERA platform enables planning and conducting of all aspects of student examinations, including:

  • Scheduling of exams with a calendar;
  • Creating questions including multiple choice, quiz, formulas and code compilation;
  • Supervision over the examination via the examiner’s control panel;
  • Electronic exam grading and feedback;
  • Constant progress record on servers;
  • Storing students’ works in an electronic archive.

As part of the pilot program, PCG Academia and Inspera offer Polish universities six-month access to the INSPERA platform at a special price. The price depends on the number of students at the university or faculty:

  • Up to 3,000 students – PLN 23,000.00 net
  • From 3,000 up to 7,000 students – PLN 46,000.00 net
  • Over 7,000 students – PLN 69,000.00 net

The pilot program, along with the launching of Inspera at the university in the Software as a Service model, also includes training for users.



Feel free to contact us:

Magda Sochacka
Director for Channel Partnerships
PCG Academia
phone: 502-044-26