The objective of our initiative is to test innovative data analysis mechanisms on the example of acquisition of university applicants and of student enrolment.

Our assumptions are based on conviction that the ability of a university to achieve competitive advantage depends on its readiness to efficiently use the information both from its own resources and from publicly available databases. We are convinced that universities equipped with efficient tools enabling data-based decision making will be better prepared for the challenges imposed by the market as well as by the national and international accreditation institutions.

For the sake of diversity of the study group, the following universities were invited to participate in the project:

  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology
  • Cracow University of Technology
  • Medical University of Warsaw
  • Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • State Higher Vocational School in Gniezno
  • State Higher Vocational School in Ciechanów
  • Kozminski University
  • SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities


The universities participating in the pilot project receive ,free of charge, reports and recommendations which enable them to:

  • conduct the optimum selection of university applicants strictly suited to the strategy and the objectives of the university;
  • define the optimum process of allocation students to study groups according to their academic potential;
  • plan the required support for students with the lowest academic potential in order to ensure equal educational opportunities and student retention;
  • identify, collect and monitor new kinds of student data in order to increase the student retention ratio and to increase the quality of education.


The results of the pilot project, in an edited and anonymized form, will be published this autumn by the Polish Rectors Foundation and PCG Polska.


Contact the project bureau at:

Phone: (22) 53 53 712