Registration form for the LUMEN 2024 Conference

The 9th LUMEN 2024 Conference will be held on-site – in Serock, at the Narvil Conference & SPA Hotel. We encourage you to register for our event by completing the Conference registration form.


Frequently asked questions during registration:


When will the Conference take place?

  • – The conference will be held on November 19-20, 2024 at the Narvil Conference & Spa Hotel in Serock.

What will the Conference look like?

  • – The conference will be divided into discussion panels, separated by 15-minute breaks. Each discussion panel will last from 50 to 60 minutes. During the panel, conference participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers.

What is the price?

  • – Participation in the conference is free of charge.

How to join the Conference?

  • – You must register via the registration system by providing your e-mail address, to which confirmation of participation will be sent.

Will it be possible to access the materials after the conference?

  • – Conference materials will be available on the Conference website.

Will there be a gap between panels?

  • – There will be a 15-minute break between each panel, and we also plan to have one 50-minute lunch break.

Can I book hotel accommodation for the duration of the Conference?

  • – Yes, each Conference participant can book accommodation at the Narvil Conference & SPA Hotel in Serock at their own expense for the duration of the Conference by calling 22 566 10 00, at the same time referring to a special discount granted to Conference participants under the slogan: LUMEN2024, or directly via online registration on the website by clicking HERE.

Is it worth taking part in the Conference?

  • – Definitely yes. And it’s worth inviting your friends to it!
Download the conference program