In March 2019 CEO of PCG Academia Professor Łukasz Sułkowski and VP International of PCG Academia Leszek Lewoc, travelled to our customers in Papua-New Guinea and attended APAIE conference in Kuala Lumpur. In Papua-New Guinea they met with management of Divine Word University and Pacific Adventist University to assess the Uni10 implementation and usage.

Meeting at Divine Word University. In the photo from left to right: Profesor Łukasz Sułkowski – CEO of PCG Academia, Professor Cecilia Nembou – President of Divine Word University, and Leszek Lewoc – VP International of PCG Academia.


They also continued the discussion with Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) focusing particularly on Quality Assurance processes. Prof. Sułkowski shared his huge experience from serving on the Polish Accreditation Committee and was impressed by the importance paid by Papua-New Guinea to quality assurance. The country whose HE sector is just before necessary increase, has already developed significant procedures and secured participation of around 100 quality assurance experts from Australia and other countries. The visit was also used to start the training and preparation for 2019 selection process.

Visit at the DHERST. In the photo from left to right: Professor Łukasz Sułkowski – CEO of PCG Academia, Joanna Sułkowska, PhD, Pila Niningi – Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, and Father Jan Czuba – Secretary of DHERST.


During APAIE conference PCG Academia managers were able to compare their internationals experiences at regional and global levels. It was particularly important as a step to PCG Academia participation in Going Global conference in Berlin in May 2019.

Professor Łukasz Sułkowski, CEO of PCG Academia, at the APAIE 2019 Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.