Anyone who has ever conducted an exam at a university knows that it is not as simple a matter as it may seem. There are many steps to the exam process: preparing the schedule, assigning rooms, coordinating with teaching staff, compiling questions, printing exam sheets, carrying out the exam itself, and finally grading and providing timely feedback to the student.

Digitizing the process of verifying educational outcomes can help improve each of these stages. How can digital solutions speed up and increase the effectiveness of assessment? This question is answered by a short handbook published by our partner, Inspera, entitled Guide: How to streamline your assessment processes.

Based on the guide, we have compiled a comparison of the key stages of the examination process for traditional exams and electronic exams carried out using a dedicated platform. In a convenient list below we have presented the key differences, which make the digitization of exams likely to bring significant benefits to students, lecturers and university administration.

Paper exam vs exam on Inspera platform

Traditional exams:

  • Planning – time-consuming organization of all actions and steps separately for each exam is necessary.
  • Exam preparation – coordinating with multiple examiners is not easy, educators use different tools to create exams, lack of consistency, changing a question requires printing the entire batch from scratch.
  • Exam delivery – printing and distribution to students is required, which takes time away from the exam; on an e-learning platform, on the other hand, it is often impossible to administer the exam and/or ensure its security.
  • Grading – paper exams require a long time to grade, handwriting is not always easy to read, students get impatient waiting for the grade, risk of losing their paper.

Electronic exams:

  • Planning – can be managed centrally, eliminating the need to repeat multiple routine procedures.
  • Exam preparation – Inspera makes it easy to prepare diverse and visually appealing exams, ensure accessibility and make changes quickly, and also facilitates collaboration among educators.
  • Exam delivery – the exam takes place on a university’s or student’s computer, on campus or remotely, with full security through blocking browsers, proctoring, artificial intelligence and more measures.
  • Grading  digital grading within Inspera is faster, more convenient and more transparent, and also eliminates the risk of losing an exam.

Read on the full guide in the link below – we highly recommend it!